Embrace The Darkness

TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of suicide

deep into the fucking pits of hell …
have you ever been there?
far into the deep, dark, fiery, disgusting corners & crevices of the mind …
the parts that tempt you to lose your fucking soul
the parts that call out to the killer in you
the parts that call out to the worthlessness in you
the parts that tell you that you are not fucking good enough for anything at all
the parts that tell you it’s ok to stop giving a fuck about everyone else & leave it all behind

have you ever been to the places full of shit
the places riddled with lies
the places numb with pain
the places tightly locked away
the places unimaginably lonely
the places filled only with sadness, grief & fucking despair

have you ever been to the places that want to guide you astray?
the places telling you to just end it all because this life isn’t worth it
to just leave everything by the shores of the sea, walk into it & never return
to find the courage to plunge a knife deep into your heart just so the pain can end
to hold your own breath until you see the stars, until you are numb

have you ever been to these places? have you seen them? have you felt them? have you witnessed them? have you danced with them? have you embraced them? allowed them to release?



Strong people are weak too

