Hurt people hurt people

Trigger warning: mention of wanting to die

I never truly believed the statement
“Hurt people, hurt people”
Until it happened to me…
I suddenly became angrier,
Distancing from the people I loved most,
Everything annoyed me,
I became sadder,
I wanted to die,
Hearing people talk about how much I changed, no longer focusing in classes…
I hated it, this wasn’t me,
I was so far gone, I couldn’t regain myself.
It’s like there was no return, I would never recover from this demon that was in me, the hurt.
I was genuinely broken.
Until I decided to try and make new friends,
Try in school again,
Trying to get help.
It’s not working.. I’ve only gotten worse
Will I ever regain myself?
I guess after all, hurt people, hurt people.





Words I wish I was told