Is it real

I find myself wondering if I really am happy. Anxiety and depression have crept there way into my life. I’ve had help for my depression yet the anxiety still taunts me every once in a while. I go about my daily life, yet I think to myself am i really happy. Have I found peace with my demons? I honestly don’t if I am happy or as though I’ve lied to myself for so long I’ve started to believe the lie. I don’t know if I’m really satisfied with the outcome. I can’t tell if I’m hurting or I am actually happy. Am I faking as though I’m happy to taste what happiness feels like. I’ve let go of my past hurting in hopes of creating a different future for myself. Have I really let go of all the pain? I try to find happiness in the littlest things. A sweet treat or a calming sunset, things that I love. Finding things I love, are the tiniest bits of joy in this life.



Dark Places

