Shush, nothing is wrong.
Shush, that’s just the devil.
Shush, what did you do to God?
Shush, just get over it.
Shush, don’t say that.
Shush, it’s all in your head.
Shush, will you stop crying.
Shush, will you just get out of bed.
Shush, will you just be happy like me.
Shush, he’s just crazy.
Shush, she’s just crazy.
Shush, they’re just crazy.
Shush, don’t tell that counselor your problems.
Shush, what do you mean take a pill?
Shush, if you do this.
Shush, if you do that.
Shush, just be normal.
Shush, why did he kill himself?
Shush, why did she kill herself?
Shush, what do mean help? Nothing is wrong right?