Speaking up with Sage

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The evolution of self harm

TRIGGER WARNING: this contains detailed content pertaining to self harm

First you don’t know you have started

You don’t know the door that you have opened

So you dig your nails into the back of your neck

And scrape to the side to make it quiet

To make the world quiet

To make your thoughts stop

To ground yourself and be able to stop spiralling

Then you take it to another level

You find a lighter

And you think “Hey this could hurt right?”

So you put it against your skin

But you’re stupid. So you accidentally break it

But then a couple weeks later you want to do it again

You want to feel the heat again

So you light a match, sit on the ground and touch your skin

But shit this hurts and I can’t even see anything when I’m done

So we stop

Fast forward a bit and we up the level

We find a blade. We find the sharpener blade

You put this to your skin and it bleeds

Bright red, now you know what your blood tastes like

You find a way to hide it. You do it strategically under your watch band

So no one knows

But now you have a blade and things keep getting worse

So progressively the blade goes deeper

But the blade didn’t come out of thin air

It was a process that has been happening for a while

It was an evolution
