Speaking up with Sage

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The number

It controls you
Glaring at you from below you
Chiding you then comforting you
Insulting you yet complimenting you

One day it praises you for your hard work
How you ran until your legs ached
Swam until you could barely breathe
Ate until you couldn't anymore
Starved until you nearly dropped dead
Then it encourages to go further next time,
despite your body urging you otherwise

Another day it berates you for what invaded your body
Because you never had control
Because you let your guard down
Then it comforts you with a solution
That your body heavily opposes

You look in the mirror and you still see a flawed portrait
With edges that need to be tucked or widened
And it agrees, it always does
No matter what you do
It always urges you to go further
Even if it kills you inside and out
