What am I? (pt 2)

It’s me again
The friend, from the friend zone
The person you tried to clone
A replacement that is set in stone.

I’m sorry? I’ll try again.
My young heart belonged to you
I hopped on my sick foot
Just to get it back.
But I failed.

Flame to my heart.

Why? Because you didn’t deserve it.
Flames to my heart
A type of torture had sparked
Every conversation, I tried to make it work.

Flames to my heart
I watched myself burn from a mirror that wasn’t being reflected as the true me,
A mirror that had a beam from the sun, it blind my eyes of something that we call love?

I threw back the flame and casted my so called heart away the innocence torn because I was desperate for your gaze.

Flames threw but the water had started to spew.

I say all this now because I was affected?
No. Blinded.
Flames to my heart
You were just a start and I was your toy in the moment.
Yes I liked you I really did. It was true.

But flame to my heart?
Never again.

Fuck you.



To the people in my life.


Amen. Hallelujah. Praise His Name.