Speaking up with Sage

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Blank space

I stare into the abyss
Yet nothing stares back

There's nothing to miss
There's only the black

Sometimes I'd wonder
If something was there

Maybe just wishing
That something would care

Into my mind
I just can't retreat

There's nowhere to hide
And nothing to greet

No whimsied construct
No storied friend

Nothing of substance
Just foggy dead ends

And in there too
I'm still alone

Just a dark sector
I'm the sole spectre

Even in sleep, no dreams to comprehend
there's nothing to behold
Just a means to an end

All I can muster is these silly little words
I'd like to do more, at least I'd prefer
I really just want, to be able to see
Inside my thoughts;...aren't they for me?
I do find it funny...the way and when I write
At least one thing I'm good at in my silly little life
