Speaking up with Sage

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Ground me

Dissociation is

A non-consensual high that you’re not able to come down from.
A shadow that, not only follows you around, but engulfs you.
You walk around in this realm of the unknown.

It is not a feeling, but an experience that demands attention.
You cannot ignore it.
You cannot sleep this entity away for it haunts the Dreamland.
It’s that rollercoaster that never stops,
It is always at full speed.
Never slowing down, never going down
Only up up up.

You’re never fully on Earth.
Your feet graze the ground but never touches.
You’re an alien.
You long for the feeling to finally walk amongst mankind

But you know you’ll never be apart.
You’ll never know what it’s like
To feel how they feel.
Laugh how they laugh.

But you wish.
You long for belonging.
You long for someone to ground you,
To see you floating away and
Like gravity, pull you to their center.

But that can never happen
So with your head in the clouds, you dream.
