Physically alive, mentally dead

no one ever speaks about that feeling,
one of being alive but not,
you’re alive but barely
you’re just surviving, not living
each day is a struggle,
you’re here physically, but where are you mentally?
it’s like you’re physically alive, but mentally dead
you wake up every day dreading what’s to come, because you know it’s all a long cycle, it never ends,
every day is the same.
it’s like there’s no point in living anymore,
not even the persons around you want you here
like your life is crumbling and you can’t stop it,
physically alive, mentally dead
it’s such a draining thing,
never feeling excited, happy nor sad,
like you’re just numb..
like you just need it to stop, to be at peace

physically alive, mentally dead.



Whisper of Resilience II

